September.. Alliums available.
I hope everyone has had a great growing season! With September well under way we are busy here harvesting, preserving, canning & seed collecting. I went away on a trip for two weeks and came back to my perennial leek flowers covered in Red Admiral butterflies amongst a host of other pollinators.
I've a number of different allium bulbs ready for sowing now available. They can be sown any time between autumn & spring. All of them are edible and can be found in the Perennial Vegetable section of my catalogue.
Clicking the links below takes you to the item's description.
Alliums also available now as potted plants.
I'll finish off this post with a photo I caught on camera a few weeks ago of a Roe doe & her twin fawns. About the beginning of the Roe rutting season in the 1st week of July we observed a buck coming into the garden marking trees with his antlers. Soon after a doe appeared in the garden with a fawn. The mother would leave the fawn at the edge of the garden in the long grass & every evening she would come back to suckle it and they would nibble around in the garden at trees & shrubs. After a month or so, that fawn would start wandering out on its own more & more at about dusk. It wasn't until mid-August we saw the mum had twins but, was leaving them quite far apart from each other initially. Now, they can be seen all foraging together as we move in to autumn. 🍃🍂😊